Create a Menu Using Python integrating all the technologies
My Team(ARTH2020_12 G-12) :-
1) Bhavesh S. Sonewale
2) Harshal
3) Pankaj kumar Patra
We had given a team task to write python automation code by integrating all the technologies that has been taught till today. Here in this code we have included 5 technologies such as docker, hadoop, partition and webserver configuration. As soon as we will learn new technologies, we will update my code by adding another new technologies and by updating previously added technologies.
This program will gives you a perfect feel of automation because by entering number and then hitting/pressing enter button all of your work will be done very fast. You will not need to write big big commands to execute certain technologies related part. Looking very nice hmm.
Below is the short video of our code which will give you a basic idea of how this code works and how it makes our life even more simple.
So from the above video I hope you have got some idea about this program working. I’m providing my GitHub link here so that if anyone want to see the full code then he can see it in my GitHub profile.
GitHub link :-
So that’s all for today :), have a nice day.